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Our firm’s experienced appellate team has successfully handled cases in state and federal courts throughout the country, representing existing clients and new ones in a broad range of legal issues. Our attorneys also handle extraordinary writs, and have been retained by prominent trade organizations like the Product Liability Advisory Council (PLAC) and the Defense Research Institute (DRI) to prepare amicus curiae briefs in closely watched cases.

Whether our firm has handled the client’s case at trial or is reviewing it for the first time, we objectively evaluate the available legal strategies that most appropriately meet the client’s needs and goals, be it post-trial motions, appellate briefs and arguments, or settlement negotiations.

Since most of the lawyers in the appellate practice team have served as defense litigators, they are intimately familiar with the panoply of issues that typically arise during trial or during the summary judgment phase of a court contest, and are therefore especially efficient at tackling post-trial issues.

We have extensive knowledge and experience in a wide spectrum of industries and have handled appeals in many practice areas, including the products liability and insurance sectors, class action, and other multi-party actions. We also routinely handle appeals in automotive, aerospace, commercial, construction consumer, civil rights, employment, insurance, and pharmaceutical and medical device cases.

In addition to handling appeals throughout the Midwest and Pacific Northwest, including Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, our attorneys have practiced before federal courts of appeals across the Second, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, D.C., and Federal Circuits, and the United States Supreme Court.