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Aug 27, 2024

Baker Sterchi Earns Platinum Certification from Healthy KC

Baker Sterchi Cowden & Rice in Kansas City has received a platinum certification from Healthy KC, a regional health and wellness initiative led by the KC Chamber and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City. Based on the World Health Organization’s Healthy Workplaces Framework, the Workplace Wellness Certification takes a holistic approach to employee wellbeing, with certifications ranging from honorable mention to platinum.

The certification comes from an application review conducted by the Healthy KC Workplace Wellness Action Team, which recognizes organizations for their innovation and excellence in promoting a culture of health in the workplace. Awards are based on pillars of health such as personal health resources, psychosocial work environment, enterprise community involvement and work environment.

Baker Sterchi earned the highest certification level, with its strongest pillar recognized as its psychosocial work environment, which includes factors like employee relationships, job satisfaction, work-life balance and emotional well-being. The certification cycle spans two years, encouraging companies to continue their commitment to fostering healthy work environments.