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Pro Bono

We believe pro bono services can involve the highest pursuit of justice to which all members of the bar should contribute with pride.

As civil lawyers, we make our mark pursuing justice for the under-served in instances where our quiet volunteer efforts are extremely important to individuals and families.

These services matter to the mother of a troubled teenage boy who asked the state for help because she could not take care of her son and thought he was a danger to himself. They matter to the mother of a one-and-a-half-year-old child who was fighting to regain custody of her child, to a woman seeking guardianship of her three nieces and nephews, and to a grandmother seeking guardianship of her grandson who was abandoned. And they matter to a young college student, orphaned at a young age, who needed representation when he sought to take care of his young brother rather than see him sent into the foster care system.

These are some of the types of cases our attorneys handle in Kansas City through participation in The Legal Aid of Western Missouri Volunteer Attorney Project. While the program has more than 500 individual attorney volunteers in Kansas City, Baker Sterchi is one of just 13 local law firms and corporate legal departments on the Project’s panel of volunteers.

The program, which works through the local bar association, provides representation to individuals in a broad range of civil legal matters including: family law; landlord-tenant disputes; contract matters; bankruptcy; foreclosure; and, government benefits.

In Seattle, our attorneys participate in the King County Neighborhood Legal Clinic, providing free legal advice to community members across Seattle and the greater King County area.

We believe that even if a need arises just once in a lifetime, everyone is entitled to representation regardless of economic means and regardless of the complexity of the legal matter. Baker Sterchi is committed to doing its part to serve that need.